Thursday, July 2, 2009

Linq(Language integrated Query) Part 1

LinQ is tightly coupled to C# and VB

Imperative Programming language: Programmers want to describe the statement(C# and VB)

Declartive Programming language : In the case of SQL,the engine determines the physical strategy to retrive the logical request made in the form of a query.

Most mordern language supports RDBMS in their code,like Xml .But nothing was type safe.Microsoft solution is LinQ ,a type safe query.
Note : LinQ can be coded in Lambda syntax(Anonymous code blocks from functional programming Community ) and comprehension syntax.

Lambda Syntax : Normally takes => as expression.
How linq makes development Easy

Example 1 : without using LinQ

void NameContainsA()
List cell = new List ();

string[] Names = new string[]{
,"Anish Varghese"};

for(int iCount=0; iCount<>
if(Names [iCount].StartsWith("A"))

Example 2 : With LinQ

void NameContainsA()
List cell = new List ();

string[] Names = new string[]{
,"Anish Varghese"};

cell = (from n in Names where n.StartsWith("A") select n).ToList();

Note : this makes the development very easy.

Example 3 : With Linq (above same example with less number of codes)

void NameContainsA()
List cell = new List ();

string[] Names = new string[]{
,"Anish Varghese"};

cell = Names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("A")).ToList();

