Thursday, September 3, 2009

Applied Microsoft NET_Framework_Programming by Jeffrey Richter

I am really interested in compiler.So i checked with different book which one is good.At last i got a good one "Applied Microsoft NET_Framework_Programming"

The following are the main topics in the book Applied Microsoft NET_Framework_Programming.

Part I: Basics of the Microsoft .NET Framework
Chapter 1 : The Architecture of the .NET Framework Development Platform

Overview of .NET Frame work is architected.CLR,CLS ,and a good understanding of ILDASM(intermediate laguage de assembler tool)

Chapter 2: Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types
This chapter gives a good understanding of how the assembly is build and how the version number is given and also gives a better understanding of Culture.

Chapter 3: Shared Assemblies
This chapter gives a better understanding of week and strong assembly.Why the public key is used etc . The main point in this chapter is GAC,what is the main function of GAC

Part II: Working with Types and the Common Language Runtime

Chapter 4: Type Fundamentals
This chapter gives a good understanding of Type safe and type casting
Chapter 5: Primitive, Reference, and Value Types
Primitive Type -Any dataType compiler directly and a good understanding of value type and Reference type

Chapter 6: Common Object Operations
How to compare objects ,object cloning etc

Part III: Designing Types
Chapter 7: Type Members and Their Accessibility
This chapter gives a better understanding of type member and different predefined attribute .

Chapter 8: Constants and Fields
This chapter say what happends in metadata when declare a constant and fields.
Chapter 9: Methods
This chapter gives me a better understanding of constructor,type constructor ,Operator overloading,ref and out ,virtual method
Chapter 10: Properties
This explains properties and indexers
Chapter 11: Events
This explains me How the delegate is Doing its action in events
Part IV: Essential Types
Chapter 12: Working with Text
This explains why the string is immutable ,says how the string is doing its operation with culture
Chapter 13: Enumerated Types and Bit Flags
This chapter goes through the idea of Enum in metadata
Chapter 14: Arrays
The array ,and says array is a reference type and various other methodologies in array
Chapter 15: Interfaces
This chapter goes through the idea of inferface in CLR . Gives me a better idea on the interface.
Chapter 16: Custom Attributes
This gives a better undersatanding of arrtibutes ,how to define user created custom attribute
Chapter 17: Delegates
The Microsoft .NET Framework exposes a callback function mechanism using delegates.
and lot of other various thing of delegates
Part V: Managing Types
Chapter 18: Exceptions
This chapter gives a better understanding of to write user created exceptions
Chapter 19: Automatic Memory Management (Garbage Collection)
This chapter says how the GC is working.
Chapter 20: CLR Hosting, AppDomains, and Reflection
This chapter says how the CLR is hosting in Windows,what is the use of application domain etc

About author Jeffrey Richter

