I am a Software Engineer.
My key interest are C#,SQL and some other latest technologies.
When i am researching on some thing.I am Updating my blog,for my backups.If this blog that help others.Then i am so happy.
visual studio 2003 : Introduced Web Application model . Note :It has static Compilation
Visual studio 2005 : Introduced WebSite project type was introduced . Note :
It contains both web Application Model and webSite model.
Visual studio 2008 : Supports both types of project
Web Site modeland Web Application
And is based on folder model .After SP1 project file was introduced in visual studio 2005.
WebApplication project is more structured than web site project.
Class file shuuld be placed inside the App_Code.
Web Application project type is restricted to one language .Where as web site supports multiple languages,Because web site is compiled dynamically.
web site supports multiple lanuages files ,but those files need to be in the same folder .So the changes required in the webconfig.
When deploy web Applicaton you can just copy the compiled elements and visual elements to the iis folder..Where as website we need to copy everything to the iis to work.
Code behind pages was introduced in visual studio 2005.Where we can create both the files(with code behind and with out code behind paes)
When you sent a request for a ASP.Net page,Frame work checks for the corresponding page and if the class is not exists ,Frame work compiles the page into a new .Net class and the stored the compiled class into the temporary ASP.Net folder located at
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
In future if a request comes to the same page ,the page is not compiled again .The previously compiled class is executed and returns to the browser.This process is called ASP.Net dynamic compilation. If Asp.Net page is modified corresponding to .Net class is automatically deleted and when a new request comes for that page it compiles the modified page into a new .Net class.
can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined with in the execution of the scope of a single select,insert,update,delete or create view statement.
A CTE can be used to :
create a recursive query .
substitute for a view when the general use of a view is not required ,that is you dont have to store the definition in metadata
enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subset ,or a function that is not deterministic or has extrenal access.
reference the resulting table multiple time in the same statement.
with expression_name [(column name [,....n])] AS (CTE query definition)
E.g :with [EMP_SCHED order by rowid] as (select row_number() over (order by emp_id asc) as rowid ,* from EMP_SCHED) select * from [EMP_SCHED order by rowid] where rowid=3
Returns the sequential number of a row with in a partition of a result set ,starting at 1 for the first in each partition
Syntax ROW_NUMBER() OVER ([ ] )
E.g :with [EMP_SCHED order by rowid] as (select row_number() over (order by emp_id asc) as rowid ,* from EMP_SCHED) select * from [EMP_SCHED order by rowid] where rowid=3
Collections is introduced in C# 2 . To make the strongly typed collections
C#1 : it contains array list not collections class
Disadvantage of Arraylist
arraylist has no compile time information.If any mismatch type is there error will throw at runtime only.(It is weekly typed collection)
E.g :public class Employee { string name; public string Name { get{return name;}
} decimal salary; public decimal Salary { get{return salary;} } public Employee(string name, decimal salary) { this.name = name; this.salary = salary; } } public class program { public static void Main() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(new Employee("Anish", 20000m)); al.Add(new Employee("marokey",30000m));
foreach (Employee emp in al) { Console.Write(emp.Name); Console.Write(emp.Salary); Console.WriteLine(); } } } Result : Anish20000 marokey30000
Just look the below code produce no error at compile time but throws error at runtime public class Employee { string name; public string Name { get{return name;}
} decimal salary; public decimal Salary { get{return salary;} } public Employee(string name, decimal salary) { this.name = name; this.salary = salary; } } public class program { public static void Main() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(new Employee("Anish", 2000m)); al.Add(new Employee("marokey",30000m)); al.Add("Error");
public Employee(string name) { this.name = name; } } public class program { public static void Main() { List empList = new List(); empList.Add(new Employee("Anish", 2000m)); empList.Add(new Employee("marokey", 30000m)); empList.Add("Error"); } }
During compile time itself it throws error Error 1 :The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List.Add(dummy.Employee)' has some invalid arguments Error 2 : cannot convert from 'string' to 'dummy.Employee'
Note : This is known as strongly typed collections
Collection Class
1)ArrayList : A simple resizeable ,indexbased collection of objects
2)SortedList : A sorted Collection of name/value pairs.And accessible by key and by index
Console.WriteLine(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in openWith) { Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } }
Generic HashTable is not there .Because it takes Object as value and key.Dictionary class can act as generic hashTable not Exactly.Because there we can set the object key and value.
6)BitArray :compact array of bit values ,Which as represent as Boolean.
public static void PrintValues(IEnumerable myList, int myWidth) { int i = myWidth; foreach (Object obj in myList) { if (i <= 0) { i = myWidth; Console.WriteLine(); } i--; Console.Write("{0,8}", obj); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
7)Stirng Collection : It allows null and duplicate values
static void Main() {
StringCollection myCol = new StringCollection();
// Add a range of elements from an array to the end of the StringCollection. String[] myArr = new String[] { "RED", "orange", "yellow", "RED", "green", "blue", "RED", "indigo", "violet", "RED" }; myCol.AddRange(myArr); PrintValues1(myCol); }
public static void PrintValues1(StringCollection myCol) { foreach (Object obj in myCol) Console.WriteLine(" {0}", obj); Console.WriteLine(); }
8) StringDictionary :collection of name/value pair .It can retrieve by name or index.It is strongly typed .
static void Main() {
StringDictionary myCol = new StringDictionary();
// Add a range of elements from an array to the end of the StringCollection. myCol.Add("red", "0"); myCol.Add("blue", "1"); myCol.Add("green", "2"); PrintKeysAndValues1(myCol); }
public static void PrintKeysAndValues1(StringDictionary myCol) { Console.WriteLine(" KEY VALUE"); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myCol) Console.WriteLine(" {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value); Console.WriteLine(); } 9) List directory :An efficient collection to store small list of objects . It is smaller and faster than the HashTable .If the number of element is 10 or less.
10)HybridDictionary :Using a ListDictionary while collection is small and it switches to HashTable when he collection is large.
11)NameValueCollection :Collection of name/ value pairs . It is less performance than HashTable.
Pascal Casting : First letter in the identifier and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word are capitalize.Use Pascal case for identifiers for three or more characters .
E.g: BlackColor
Camel Casting : first letter of identifier is lowercase and first letter of each subsequent concatenated word is capitalize
E.g: blackColor
UpperCase :All the letters in the identifiers are capitalized.
Shortcut keys are easy to navigate,Increase productivity ,etc .... :)
These are the short cut keys i like in visual studio
To understanding the code
Class view : [ctrl-w] ,[ctrl -c] Note : helps to see the class view. Create Class diagram (by adding .cd file to the project) Note : This will display the class diagram created.copy and paste the necessary methods ,properties from one class to another class.
Navigate through code
F12 : GoTODefinition shift -F12 : Show all the reference to a symbol F8:Cycle through list of items in the currently active output window shift - F8 : same as F8 but opposite in direction
ctrl - m ,ctrl- m: collapses /expand the method the cursor is currently in ctrl -m,ctrl-o : collapse all methods to the outline view
ctrl - -(minus) : moves to the cursor previous location ctrl - shift - -(minus) :moves to the cursor last location
ctrl - F :find menu ctrl - H : find and replace ctrl - i :incremental search ctrl - shift - F : find in all files
Modify code
ctrl -k, ctrl - c : command out the selected code ctrl -k ,ctrl - u : uncommand out the selected code ctrl-k ,ctrl -f :auto format the selected code
ctrl - R ,ctrl - M :extract method ctrl -R,ctrl - E :encapsulate field ctrl- R ,ctrl -l :extract interface F2 :Rename
Debugging code
F10 :step over ctrl - F10 :Run to cursor F11 :step into shift - F11 : step out F9:toggle a break point F5 :Run with debugging Shift - F5 :stop debugging ctrl-F5 :Run without Debugging
Right click the Database Diagrams on the particular table and select new database diagram
Error i Got
Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.
How i Solved
Right on database ,Choose properties
Go to options menu
check whether the compatibility level :SQL Server 2005(90)
Click ok
Still i got the same error . After that i executed ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::DatabaseName TO sa
.Net offers a new features of initializing objects.
class people { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } }
class main { static void Main() { //Method 1:Adding people to List people People = new people(); List Names = new List(); People.FirstName = "Anish"; People.LastName = "Varghese"; Names.Add(People); People.FirstName = "ani"; People.LastName = "marokey"; Names.Add(People);
//Method 2:Adding people to List List Names1 = new List(); Names1.Add(new people { FirstName = "Anish", LastName = "Varghese" }); Names1.Add(new people { FirstName = "ani", LastName = "marokey" });
//Method 3:Adding people to List List Names2 = new List() { new people{FirstName="Anish",LastName="Varghese"}, new people{FirstName="ani",LastName="marokey"} }; //Method 4 :Adding people to List
List Names3 = new List { new people { FirstName = "Anish", LastName = "Varghese" }, new people { FirstName = "ani", LastName = "marokey" } }; }
Note :where we can use is a class has no default constructor and initialization is required.
When casting from one type to another.C# compiler will check whether the casting wont cause any problem .Then only the casting will happen other wise it throw error "InvalidCastExpression" . This is why .Net is type safe.
We can freely cast form a derived class to a base class .But we cannot blindly convert a base class to a derived class.
E.g1 : object obj = new object(); string s = (string)obj; //Error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object' to type 'System.String' "
Note : Because system.String is derived from system.Object(base class of .NET ).i.e we are converting from a base class to derived class.
Note : we are converting derived class to a base class.
E.g2: class classA {
class classB:classA { }
class main { public static void Main() { classA a = new classA(); classB b = (classB)a; //Error " Unable to cast object of type 'Console_Anisj.classA' to type 'Console_Anisj.classB' "
} }
Note : Because classB is derived from ClassA.i.e we are converting from a base class to derived class.
class classA {
class classB:classA { }
class main { public static void Main() { classB b = new classB(); classA a = (classA)b; } }
Note : we are converting derived class to a base class.
Why this is compailing ?
During compile time compiler checks whether the classA and classB is derived from System.Object class.So it wont throw any error.During run time it will check the base class and derived class.This is the reason the error is throwing in the runtime.
Best way to check the casting by using is and as operator in C#
object obj = new object(); System.Boolean b1 = (obj is System.Object); System.Boolean b2 = (obj is System.String);
Note : here b1 is true and b2 is false.
classA a = new classA(); classB b = new classB(); System.Boolean b1 = (a is classB); System.Boolean b2 = (b is classA);
if(b2) { classB b = new classB(); classA a = (classA)b; }
Note : here the b1 is false and b2 is true .CLR wants to check the type twice one out side the if loop and one inside the if loop. so introduced the new concept as "as"operator.
classA a = new classA(); classB b = new classB(); classA a1 = b as classA; classB b1 = a as classB; if (a1 != null) { classA a2 = (classA)b; } if (b1 != null) { classB b2 = (classB)a; }
Note :if the type can be casting then it returns not null pointer and if it returns null it cannot be cast.CLR wants to check the type only once.so it improve the performance.
If you are deploying usingcompilation debug="true".The following will happen.
The compilation of ASP.NET pages takes longer
Code executes slower
Memory useage will be high .during run time
Scripts and images download from the webresourcre.axd handler are not catched
Note:the last point is important.If you are using external scripts(javascript ,css etc ). "" webresourcre.axd handler automatically set long cache for on the resources retrieved via it.So that the resource is only downloaded once to the client and catched there forever.
CLR Profiler: this allows developers to see the allocation profile of their managed code
Note :if you love your memory space of your server try this .For more details click here .This link is for .NET Framework 2.0. How to use CLR Profile .See the read me file that is included in the Zip.
Content Delivery Network(CDN) is a collection of web server distributed across multiple location to deliver content more efficiently to users.The server is selected for delivering content to a specific user is typically based on the measure of network work proximity.
E.g:the server with fastest network hops or the server with the quickest response time is chosen.
CDN service provide companies : Akamai Technologies,Mirror Image Internet or limelight networks.
Google is also comming with there latest OS (open source) into the market.
It will run with a Linux kernel as its base
It will boot directly into the Chrome Web browser
It will be aimed primarily at netbooks
It will run on both x86 and ARM processors
It will not be designed to have local storage; all data will be stored in the cloud
Google will not entice developers to build software to run on the Chrome OS; instead, they want them to build Web apps that will run on any standards-based browser
The three most important features will be “speed, simplicity and security,” according to Google
Google will release the software to the open source community before the end of 2009
Announced Chrome OS hardware partners: Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba.
Netbooks running Chrome OS will be available in the second half of 2010
It is a software library that implements the cryptographic serverce Programming interface .CSPs are responsible for encryption and decryption .
CSP : Are independent modules that can be used by different algorithms .A user wants to call the CSP .CSP are responsible for implementing cryptographic alrorithms.
Note:some of the special types of DLL are implemented by CSP.In delay sigining Microsoft uses CSP ,siginal varifies when windows load the CSP.
: CSP are the "containers" that abstract the location of these keys.When it loads the key grabed from the CSP container.
:If private/Public key pairs in a CSP container donot use the AssemblyKeyFileAttribute or AL.EXEs /Keyf[ile].Insted it uses the system.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute or AL.EXEs /keyn[ame](takes the name of the key container in CSP)
By default CLR assumes that all the parameters to a method are value type.
C# allows pass parameter by reference type in two ways
Ref :The caller must initialized the parameter's value to the method
E.g: Public static void RefAni(ref int iVal)
public static void Main()
int i=3; //i must be intialized
RefAni(ref i);
Note : The i value is declared on the thread stack and initialized to 3.Address location of i is passed to RefAni method. RefAni iVal takes the value and new value is returned to the caller.
2.Out: The caller must not have to be initalized the parameter's value to the method
Public static void OutAni(out int iVal)
public static void Main()
int i; //doesnot have to be intialized
OutAni(out i);
Note : the i is declared on the thread stack .The address is then passed to the OutAni(here no values are comming).Inside the OutAni iVal is initailized to 2 and new value is returned to the caller.
Why ref and out is required ?
This is that the compailer want to do the right thing automatically.
Note : try to avoid using GUID as primaryKey (it will waste of your space (16 bytes)).If the database volume is high it will affect performance.if use int it will take less space(4 bytes).
Union:its Like a join Command.When using the union all the selected columns need to be of the same datatype.Only distinct values are selected.
Union All :it almost like union.There is no distinct operation so it will take all the values.
Rules for Union a union must be composed of two or more select statement and each is separated by a keyword union Each union must contain same column,expression or aggregate function. Column name need not be same ,but they must be the type that the sql can implicitly convert.
Imperative Programming language: Programmers want to describe the statement(C# and VB)
Declartive Programming language : In the case of SQL,the engine determines the physical strategy to retrive the logical request made in the form of a query.
Most mordern language supports RDBMS in their code,like Xml .But nothing was type safe.Microsoft solution is LinQ ,a type safe query.
Note : LinQ can be coded in Lambda syntax(Anonymous code blocks from functional programming Community ) and comprehension syntax.
Lambda Syntax : Normally takes => as expression.
How linq makes development Easy
Example 1 : without using LinQ
void NameContainsA()
List cell = new List ();
string[] Names = new string[]{
,"Anish Varghese"};
for(int iCount=0; iCount<>
if(Names [iCount].StartsWith("A"))
Example 2 : With LinQ
void NameContainsA()
List cell = new List ();
string[] Names = new string[]{
,"Anish Varghese"};
cell = (from n in Names where n.StartsWith("A") select n).ToList();
Note : this makes the development very easy.
Example 3 : With Linq (above same example with less number of codes)
The .Net framework 3.0 contains the same CLR 2.0 and base class libraries.The three new things in .Net 3.0 are windows persentation fountation(WPF),Windows Communication Fountation(WCF) and Windows work Flow foundation(WWF).
Windows Presentation Foundation : Helps advanced 3D animaitons and graphics.it uses Extesibile Application Mark up language.
Windows Communication Foundation :offers Service oriented message trasaction.It uses soap(Simple object access protocol) ,so it is reliable and secure.
Windows Work Flow Foundation : Offers automated business process.helps to tranfer whole or a part ,during which documentation information or task from one participient to another for action.
Why property are required? If you are simply delcaring a variable and you want to do some operation on a variable . E.g: Class demo1 { Public string Age; } Class Maindemo1 { demo1 Demo = new demo1(); Demo.Age= -35; }
This we want to check manually whether the logic is correct or not.Like the below way
class Employee { public int Age;
public int GetAge() { return (Age); }
public void SetAge(int value) { if(value<0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("Age Must be greater than zero"); Age = value; }
class MainEmployee { static void Main() { Employee e = new Employee(); e.SetAge(35); int i = e.GetAge(); } }
This will solve the above problem.If Age is less than zero it will throw an error. Disadvantage : want to write long number of codes.and user must call a method rather than a variable.
CLR offers a mechanism to overcome the above disadvantage,ie by using properties. class Employee { private int _Age1; public int Age1 { get { return _Age1; } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Age Must be greater than zero"); _Age1 = value; } } }
class MainEmployee { static void Main() { Employee e = new Employee(); e.Age1 = 35; int j = e.Age1; } }
The CLR offers get accessor and set accessor.During compile time it will automatically added GetAge() and SetAge(int value).And makes the code easy
This doesn’t have a parameter E.g : public int Age1 { get { return _Age1; } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Age Must be greater than zero"); _Age1 = value; } } }
Parameterful property
C# developer to overload [] operator
private int[] arr=new int[10]
public int this[int i]
return arr[i];
CLR doesnot differentiate parameterless properties and parameterful proprty.C# team set this[] as syntax for indexer.which this choice means is that C# allows indexer to be defined only instace of the objects.so C# doesnot allow developer to define a static parameterful property.